
Created: Dec 1, 2022 | Updated: Sep 2, 2024 | B quality | Mid importance

I first started writing Python in 2009, in my first Github repo: sudoku-solver, an open source library for solving Sudoku puzzles that I did in my free time (I had a lot of free time back then because I was unemployed and living in my parents' basement).

Soon after I got my job at Qwobl with Jawad and Christian and Joe, where I wrote a lot more Python code. I don't think they ever told me this, but I think they looked at the sudoku code when considering me for the job.

Python has remained one of my favorite programming languages. I would say I'm probably slightly more proficient in it that Javascript/Typescript, which is what I use for my day job.

In 2023 I started teaching a completely free Python class at Noisebridge. It has since evolved into a more general "Computer Programming Study Group", but we still cover some of the Python lectures from time to time. The lectures I wrote are in the Noisebridge GitHub repo for the class. Here's a list, with a link to interactive copies of the Jupyter Notebooks on a Littlest Jupyter Hub instance that I host. If you'd like the password for, email me and introduce yourself.


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