
Created: May 21, 2024 | Updated: Aug 27, 2024 | A quality | Top importance

Still going through a rough period. My dad died last week. I'll probably write something about it in the garden after the funeral this Friday, when my feelings have taken more shape and settled. We'll be flying to the east coast soon.

My first PR for Mastodon is being released in 4.3.0! It's live now on

Currently, I'm still living in San Francisco, in the same apartment I've lived in since we moved there in December 2012. What can I say, it's cozy, rent-controlled and in an awesome neighborhood (near Zeitgeist). I also have the same job at YouTube that I've had all that time.

The Python class that I was teaching at Noisebridge on Monday nights has evolved into a "Computer Programming Study Group". I was wondering what I would do for the next "iteration" of the class, and I'm trying to open it up to more topics and have less structure. It's been going ok, I'm still teaching some of the Python lectures every now and then, and I'm trying to develop some JavaScript lectures.

I quit my D&D group, because I didn't really have the time for it unfortunately. The people I played with were really nice though.

For reading, I'm a couple of chapters into a couple of non-fiction books, and a couple of fiction books as well. Sigh.

As far as video games, I'm still eyeing New World Aeterneum, because I've always been (sadly) more of a "solo" MMO player, and never had big or small groups that I was consistently a part of. And of course, Factorio Space Age is coming out in October! More recently, I've tried Cities Skylines II, which feels like a reskin of the original. I've also tried playing the original Fable for Xbox 360 and it is kind of slow and weird, but maybe I can get into it.

What is a 'now' page?

A now page is like an about page, but with the scope of "right now" instead of a long view. The easiest way to think about it is: what would you tell a friend that you haven't seen in a while about what you're up to?

Where can I find a list of people with websites that feature a 'now' page?

Just go to You can add your site to that directory should you choose to add a /now page to your site.


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